

战略规划 at 365球赛平台郡学院 is the means through which the college defines its priorities, 设定可衡量的目标, and outlines the strategies it will take to achieve these goals.  的 Strategic Plan is an essential roadmap that focuses institutional resources and employees on the path to attaining the college’s mission.


2021-2026年战略规划: 365球赛平台掌舵

A twelve-member Core Planning Team, composed of a diverse mix of college employees worked with two strategic consultants from Ellucian to develop 365球赛平台掌舵.  This collaborative planning process included the participation of over 70 campus constituents, 包括教师, 工作人员, 学生, 及董事会成员. 除了, five K-12 school districts and a major college donor participated in guided discussions to solicit input on the future of the college.  的 result is a well-informed plan that will guide the College through the disruptive waters of higher education, placing 365球赛平台郡学院 at the Helm as it innovates for the future.


Guiding Coalition Final Reports and 计分卡

的 Guiding Coalition is the body that holds the institutional leadership accountable for attaining institutional goals and objectives. This body consists of representatives from all areas across the College. 的 Guiding Coalition issues an annual report on the progress of the overall strategic plan.

计分卡 tracks the progress of the Goals, KPIs, Objective Measures, and Initiatives in the Strategic Plan.

Guiding Coalition Reports and 计分卡

的 college’s goals are supported by objectives and institutional initiatives. Each objective has set quantitative measures which are tracked annually. 除了, initiatives are assessed based on their measures and targets.


的 college’s KPI’s evaluate the success of achieving institutional goals. Each goal has one or more KPI’s with set targets that are tracked on an annual basis.

战略目标 关键性能指标 2021年的基础 2026年目标 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026
1. 让学生 Percentage of 学生 who complete 30 credits or more within a 2-year period. 60% 70% 50% 44.1%
Percentage of non-credit 学生 who complete an industry-valued credential, HSE, or proficiency/measurable skills gain (非母语英语课程) within a year period. 65% 65%


2. 优化招生 Total number of credits enrolled each year. 178,376 196,900 167,352 163,455
Total unduplicated inter国家 headcount enrolled. 115 1,000  50 30
非信贷净收入总额 $1,705,000 $2,093,160 $1,191,342 $1,220,573.70*
3. 提升效率 Achievement of 目标1, 2 and 4 KPIs. 成立于2022财年 100%达到目标 50% 1
4. 扩大人际关系 Established quarterly stakeholder communication meeting with panelist and participants. 0 共20次会议  12 12
测量 connectivity between multiple college divisions and individual stakeholders – 现有的 在2021财年建立基线 每年增长10% 23 83
测量 stakeholders and innovative partnerships. 0 20 24 83

* To be confirmed following FY23 budget close out
